Appeals 2025
Unsuccessful applications for Year 7 2025:
We understand how important it is for you to secure the right school place for your child, and we are truly sorry that they have not been offered a place at Harris Greenwich for September 2025. We know this news will be disappointing for you and your family. The allocation of places was carried out in strict accordance with admissions policy, which aims to be as fair and transparent as possible, through banding. Unfortunately, your child was not placed at Harris Greenwich.
What’s next if you still want to come to Harris Greenwich?
The waitng list
You will have been automatically added to our waiting list for places. The Borough will place your childinto the waiting list for the band they were allocated, and we will sort the waiting list by bands until December 2025. After December we will disband the waiting list and sort it by distance and our oversubscription categories, in accordance with our admissions policy.
Although there is an appeals procedure, it’s only in exceptional circumstances that appeals are successful. 96% of appeals over the past three years have been unsuccessful. It is important to note that the grounds for a successful appeal are very limited. Appeals are only likely to succeed if you can demonstrate that an administrative error was made during the admissions process that directly affected the outcome of your application, or if there are other significant and exceptional factors that meet the criteria set out by the appeals panel. Parents have the right to appeal if their child is not allocated a place. Parents should have genuine grounds to appeal. We know it’s upsetting, but the reality is we cannot accept all students who apply.
Any appeal needs to be legally based on the admissions policy, not on emotion.
Please find our appeal guidance below. Please ensure you read through this before submitting your appeal application.