Support for Students
If you ever feel like you need emotional support, don’t keep things locked up in your head – it just festers there and can get worse. Tell your parents, or a pastoral manager, or another member of staff, or another adult you trust. Remember that no matter how bad things seem, ‘this too shall pass’. It does get better and there are lots of people around who want to help you.
There are other support networks out there too, who you can speak to anonymously:
Childline: This is a 24 hour help line for children and young people in the UK. Calls are free and you can text or speak to a counsellor. The number is 0800 1111
Papyrus: This is a voluntary organisation supporting teenagers and young adults who are feeling suicidal. The number is 0800 068 4141
Samaritans: This is a 24 hours service, every day of the year. You can email or you can phone 116 123
This is a free online counselling via Samaritans.
MASH - Telephone referrals: 020 8921 3172 (Mon-Thur, 9.00-5.30pm, Fri 9.00-4.30pm)
Out of hours: 020 8854 8888
Secure Email:
CAMHS Crisis Line: 020 3228 5980 (available 5pm-11pm Mon - Fri, 9am - 11pm Sat-Sun-Bank Holidays)
Oxleas Urgent Advice line: 0800 330 8590 (available 24 hours, i.e. when crisis line unavailable)