GCSE Options
Year 9 GCSE Options Process
To help you and your child make the right choices for their own personalised pathway, your child will be guided through a range of significant steps over the next month.
In Key Stage 4, you may be introduced to new subjects, as well as building on your knowledge and experience of many of the subjects that you are studying already. You will be asked to work in different ways and be given more responsibility for your learning. You will develop skills to manage your workload, meet deadlines, and work more independently. You will also need to get to grips with coursework and learn how to prepare for external examinations effectively.
Please take the time to look through the GCSE Option Booklet with your child, it is important that the choices you and your child make are linked with post-16 and future ambition. In addition, below you will also be able to view the subject videos, key dates and where to access support and guidance should you need.
Our teachers, year 9 pastoral manager Ms Carlin, Head of year 9 Ms Papastavrou, and SLT link Mr McNeil can provide any further support. Thank you for working with us to ensure the best possible education for your child.
Options Information Meeting – Thursday 1st February 5.30pm-6pm
Mr McNeil, Assistant Principal for Key Stage 3, will deliver an in-person presentation providing parents/guardians with key information about our GCSE options process. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions during our Q&A.
Options Assemblies – 2nd, 5th, and 6th February.
Subject leads will deliver a presentation in Y9 assemblies outlining the details of what students can expect to study in their subjects. This will include an overview of the KS4 curriculum, how students will be assessed, and the career options after GCSE.
Virtual Year 9 Progress Evening – Tuesday 20th February 4pm – 7pm
Parents will have an opportunity to discuss options choices with subject teachers during our progress evening on Tuesday 20th February 4pm – 7pm. This event will again be held via our progress evening portal, SchoolCloud. Slots are available on a first come first served basis.
What is a broad and balanced curriculum?
A broad and balanced curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities for students to learn across a range of different subjects. We believe that a range of subjects and courses helps students acquire knowledge, understanding, and skills in all aspects of their education, including the humanities and linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, social, physical, and artistic learning.
What core subjects will I study?
All students will study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Double Award Science (or Triple/Separate). Additional non-examined subject time is given to PE, Philosophy, Religion and Government, and Personal Development.
Most students will also study a MFL (French/Spanish) and History and/or Geography. This means most students will receive 2 choices for their other subjects.
What is the English Baccalaureate?
The current English Baccalaureate (EBACC) is not a qualification itself, but a particular group of GCSE subjects that are usually looked on favourably by post-16 providers and universities. You don’t need to have studied the EBACC to go to university, however, having your GCSE ‘mix’ steered towards the EBACC will help keep your options open. To achieve the EBACC you will need to achieve a minimum of a grade 4 in all the above qualifications:
English (either or both English Language/Literature)
History or Geography
French or Spanish
Please find more information about subjects and the options process in the menu below